About us
The Minnesota Indian Gaming Association (MIGA) brings member tribes together to educate Minnesotans about the impact of tribal gaming and speak with a unified voice on public policy.
Founded in 1987, MIGA has served as the collective voice of its members on vital issues affecting gaming. Led by elected officials from Minnesota’s Tribal Nations, MIGA educates and advocates to protect tribal gaming.
Minnesota is home to 11 federally recognized tribal nations. Each nation is represented by its own sovereign government. Minnesota tribal nations own and operate casinos that generate government revenue to provide for community needs. These gaming operations not only benefit tribal communities, but also provide significant economic benefits to surrounding communities through well-paying jobs, tourism, and tax revenue.

Indian gaming has given Minnesota’s sovereign tribal nations a means to improve the lives of their people, foster economic development and strengthen self-government.
Each tribe has its own unique sovereign government. Through MIGA, Minnesota tribes can join together to support and advocate for tribal gaming operations that Native Americans and much of Minnesota rely on for jobs and economic health.